HTML & CSS : Absolute Beginners

HTML & CSS : Absolute Beginners

  • Software that is designed according to the client's requirements is known as a software application. ie IRCTC app etc

  • Software that is designed according to the market requirements is known as a software product. ie Ms Office.

  • In HTML, the computer can interpret the raw text that is wrapped in HTML elements.

  • Hypertext is the text displayed on a computer or device that provides access to other text through links, also known as hyperlinks. You probably clicked on a couple of hyperlinks on your way to this Codecademy course.

<aside> 💡 Network:- A computer network comprises a group of computers connected for sharing information and resources.


  • Microsoft IIS - Internet Information Services

  • Apache Tomcat


  • IBM Lotus

HTML: Hypertext Markup Language

  • The term markup is derived from general computer terminology where markup means preparing for a presentation.

  • A markup language is used in web development to present information on the browser.

  • GML - Generic Markup Language

  • SGML - Standard Generic Markup Language

  • These two markup languages are the first markup language used by the browser

  • Teem Berners Lee introduced HTML as a markup language for designing pages on the web.

  • It is a markup language used over HTTP, hence it is named hypertext markup language.

  • HTML standards are maintained by W3C(World Wide Web Consortium).

  • The elements of HTML can be presented dynamically by using functions of any client-side script(Java Script) or statically by using tags.

Element - image()

Tag - <img>

  • Normal Elements :- It can directly return a presentation on callback.

    It can not stop returning the presentation, hence it requires an end tag.

    ie. <b> </b>

  • Void Elements :- The term void means that elements can not return any presentation directly on a callback.

    It can return only specified values and stops returning the value, hence itself an ending element without any end tag.

    ie. <img>

  • RC(Rich Content) Data Elements :- It is an element used for presenting rich text contents however it will not allow any formats for text.

    You can not use any other element without RC Data Elements.

    ie. <textarea> </textarea>

  • Raw Text Elements :- The elements in HTML that can be presented by using raw text like "&", "<", ">" are known as Raw Text Elements.

    ie. ©2

  • Foreign Elements :- These elements are used in HTML but are not native to HTML.

    They require libraries to be linked with web pages.

    ie MathML, SVG etc...

Structure of HTML Documents

A typical HTML document comprises of two major components :

  • Documents Declaration

  • Documents Scope

  1. Document Declaration:-
  • The webpage is accessed and viewed on the browser.

  • A page comprises tags that are converted into elements.

  • Every browser has a parser that translates HTML tags into elements.

  • A parser can use several versions of HTML, hence developers have to define document declaration in the codes. ie <!DOCTYPE html>

  • It specifies that the page is designed in HTML 5.

  1. Documents Scope:-
  • A browser window can display multiple documents, hence every document scope is defined by using the tag. ie <html> </html>
**<!DOCTYPE html>
<!-- This is the documents scope -->

Structure of HTML Documents Scope

  • An HTML documents scope separates documents into two sections.

  • Head

  • Body

A typical head section of HTML comprises of following tags :


Title :- It defines the text that is displayed as a title for the page in the browser title bar.

Syntax :


Link :- It is an element used to link any external file to webpage, which include favourite icons, stylesheets etc...

**Syntax : 
<link href="Images/favicon.ico" rel="icon">**
**Syntax :
<!DOCTYPE html>
        <link href="Images/favicon.ico" rel="icon">

Meta :-

  • It describes metadata that is information about the web page.

  • Meta comprises of details like language, culture, keywords etc...

  • Meta makes the webpage more SEO(Search Engine Optimization) friendly.

Most commonly used attributes and values in meta are :

  1. Charset :- It specifies the character set used to design web page. It is according to UTF standard (UTF-8:English US). ie
**<meta charset="UTF-8">**
  1. Keyword :- It specifies the keyword used by SEO to search for your page show in search the result.
**Syntax :
<meta name="keyword" description="coding, programming, developement, software">
<!-- Whenever a client type these keyword then my wesite will be there in the search feed -->**
  1. Description :- It defines the summary that is displayed in the search result for your website.
**Syntax : 
<meta name="description" context="Best offer online website">**
  1. Http-equiv :- It specifies how the request is handled and client is trying to access the page. ie To reload or To be static on request.
**Syntax :
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="4">**
  1. Style :- It is an element used to embed the style that makes the presentation more attractive and interactive.

Body Section

  • The body section specifies contents to display in the browser workspace.

  • The element body <body> defines the following attribute.

  1. Bg Color :- It defines background color for the page.
**Syntax :
<body bgcolor="red">**
  1. Background :- It sets the page background.
**Syntax : 
<body background="Images/myimage.jpg">**
  1. Text :- It defines the color for text display in the body section.
**Syntax :
<body text="blue">**
  1. Vlinks :- It defines a color for visited link.
**Syntax : 
<body vlink="green">**
  1. Alinks :- It defines the active links on the page.
**Syntax :
<body vlink="green" alink="blue">**
  1. Left, Right, Top, Bottom Margin:- It defines the space between text or contents in the page with regard to the browser window and it is defined in pixels.
**Syntax : 
<body leftmargin="50" rightmargin="50" bottommargin="50" topmargin="50">**

Elements Of Body Section

  • Elements mean tags.

  • HTML 5 introduce several new elements into the body section to make it more SEO and user-friendly: They are,

  1. Aside :- It is a container that is comprised of constants which are non-related to HTML that adds advertisements.

  2. Article :- It publishes constants that are related to the website.

  3. Dialogue:- It specifies an area from where a user can interact. It is an optional area that can be closed dynamically.

  4. Figure:- It encapsulates an image along with a caption.

  5. Figcaption:- It defines a caption bound to an image.

  6. Header:- It specifies that the contents are to be displayed at the top margin of the page.

  7. Footer:- It specifies that the contains to be displayed at the bottom margin of the page.

  8. Section:- It defines an area between the header and footer.

  9. Menu:- It organises elements according to behaviour and defines and defines navigation within the page.

  10. Nav:- It defines the navigation area within the menu.

  11. Div:- It is a container used to represent a large block of code.

    Div is a container that divides the pages into sections.

    **Syntax : 
         <p>Lorem ipsum dolor si</p>
  12. Span:- It is a container that defines an inline block of code.

Headings:- Heading in HTML are defined by using a tag <hn>, where n refers to the level from 1 to 6.

**Syntax :
**Syntax :

<!DOCTYPE html>

        <title>First Page</title>


  • Heading can use align attribute to align the heading left, centred or right.
**Syntax :
<h3 align="center">Three</h3>**

Paragraph & Block-quote


  1. HTML ignores the default paragraph marks defined in the source code and presents them in a single block.

  2. To add the manual paragraph you can use the tag <p> with align attributes left, right, and justify.

**Syntax :
<p align="justify">Welcome to new era of developement</p>**


  1. A blockquote is similar to a paragraph but define the content with a left and right indentation.

  2. The paragraph and blockquote by default have a line break before and after the content.

**Syntax :
<blockquote align="justify">You are in Blockquote tag</blockquote>**

Ordered & Unordered List

Ordered List :-

  1. It is an auto-numbering style defined for items in a list. So that the numbering updates automatically when you add or remove a list.

  2. The list is defined by using the tag<ol> and items are defined by using the tag <li>.

**Syntax :
**Output :
  1. The numbering style for an ordered list can be defined by using the attribute type.
**Syntax :
<ol type="1">
<ol type="a">
<ol type="A">**
  1. The numbering for list items always starts from level 1 you can change it by using the attribute start.
**Syntax :
<ol type="A" start="5">
**Output :
  1. The numbering will reset for every ordered list. If you want to continue the number list you can add the contents into <ol> tag without defining <li> list items.

  2. An ordered list can be nested that is it can use a multilevel numbering style by changing the type at each level.

Unordered List :-

  • It represents a collection of items as a bulleted list with types such as disk, square, or circle.
**Syntax :
<ul type="bulleted">
<ul type="circle">
<ul type="square">**
  • The list is defined by using tag <ul> and the items are defined by using the tag<li>.
**Syntax :
<ul type="circle" >

Basic HTML elements and entities to present content in the browser :

  • The code that you write in any editor to present on the browser is not presented exactly as expected.

  • HTML ignores the line brackets, blank spaces and paragraph mark that you manually define in code. You have to use the following elements and entities.

  • A manual line break in HTML defines by using tag <br>.

Syntax :

Hellow guys<br>

Welcome to <br>


Output :

Hello guys

Welcome to



Blank spaces :-

  • HTML allows one character space between words or characters.

  • The additional spaces are ignored, you can manually define a blankspace by using entity &nbsp.

**Syntax :
H &nbsp; T &nbsp; M &nbsp; L**
**Output :
H   T   M   L**

Pre-formatted Text :-

  • HTML present any block of content exactly as defined in the editor without losing the format by using tag <pre>.

  • It effects only the formats defined in source and not the elements.

**Syntax :
<div>Simple C++ Program</div>



#include "bits/stdc++.h"

using namespace std;

int main(){

cout<<"Welcome to new era of developement";



**Output :

#include "bits/stdc++.h"

using namespace std;

int main(){

cout<<"Welcome to new era of developement";



  • The <acronym> tag defines an acronym or abbreviation. To decipher an acronym, the global title attribute is used (displayed as a pop-up text prompt when you hover the mouse over an acronym).

  • HTML documents have to present several contents that may be optional to display we can use the acronyms to display the contents only on mouse hover.

  • The contents are shown as screen tips (Tooltip).

**Syntax :
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Title of the document</title>
    <p>Hover the mouse cursor over acronym HTML</p>
    <acronym title="Hyper Text Markup Language">HTML</acronym>

Details & Summary :-

  • HTML provides <details> elements to encapsulate a caption and it's a definition so that the user can expand the definition dynamically.

  • The element <summary> is used in detail to define a caption for definition.

  • The attribute open is used in detail to keep the summary open always.

**Syntax : 
    HTML is a markup language used to present the content on browser
    HTML is a markup language used to present the content on browser
<details open>
    JavaScript is a client side script 

Datalist with terms and definitions:-

  • A catalyst encapsulates terms and definitions which are presented with indentation and margins.

  • The list is defined by using the tag <dl> -> data list and it contains the term defined with <dt> -> data term with definition as <dd> ->data definition.

**Syntax :**
<dt>Your terms : </dt>
<dd>Your definitions</dd>

Output :

Your terms :

Your definitions

Text Formatting In HTML

  • Formatting of text in HTML documents does not depend on how it is defined in the editor you have to use various elements to format text.

Such as :

  • Font <font>

  • Font <style>

  • Font <effect>

Font Style :- The character font styles include bold and italic which are defined by using the following tag

  • Bold :- <b> or <strong>

  • Italic :- <i> or <em> emphasized

Note :-

  • The element strong and emphasized are used while reviewing a document.

  • A developer can highlight the changes made in the document by signing the <strong> and <em> tags.

Font Effects:-

  • The font effect will change the character display mode by highlighting or by changing the position raised or lowered from the baseline.

  • The tags used for font effects are :

  1. Underline :- <u> <ins> inserted

  2. Strikeout :- <strike> <del> deleted

  3. Superscript :- <sup>

  4. Subscript :- <sub>

Images in HTML

  • We can display images by using a markup language.

  • The image format supported for presentation on a web page is shown below.

  1. .png :- Portable Network Graphics
  • It is a high-resolution image type

  • It has more pixels.

  • It occupies more space.

  • And it is used for displaying images on a webpage so that users can zoom and view in details.

  1. .jpg or .jpeg :- Joint Photographic Group or Joint Photographic Expert Group
  • It is a high resolution it is having more pixels but less than png.

  • It is a compressed image format.

  • Used for displaying buttons, icons, bullets, logos, etc...

  1. .gif :- Graphic Interchange Format
  • Low-resolution image.

  • Very low pixel depth.

  • It can be animated.

  • Used for displaying buttons, icons, bullets, logos, etc...

  1. .svg :- Scalar Vector Graphics
  • It uses vector graphics instead of pixels.

  • Have higher resolution than png.

  • Used for architecture diagrams, mathematical equations, etc...

Image Tags

  • To display images on a webpage HTML provide an image element with tag <img>.

  • The attributes of image elements are.

  1. Src :- It specifies the name and path of the image to display.

  2. Alt :- It defines an alternative text to display when the image fails to load.

  3. Border:- It sets a border for an image by specified pixels.

  4. Width and Height:- It specifies the width and height of the image in pixels or other.

  5. Espace and Hspace:- It defines vertical and horizontal space between text and images.

  6. Align:- It specifies the alignment of the image.

  • A link is clickable text, picture or graphic that navigates the user to any specified location when they click.

  • The links that handle navigation over HTTP protocol are known as hyperlinks.

  • A hyperlink can navigate to any specified location or file.

  • Hyperlinks in the webpage are classified into two types.

  1. Intra-document links.

  2. Inter document links.

  • Hyperlinks in HTML are created using anchor elements <a>.

  • The navigation for anchors is defined by using the attribute "href".

**Syntax :
<a href="">Click Here</a><br>**
  • The hyperlinks that are used within the page.

  • A hyperlink designed for navigation within the page will use "href" starting with "#".

**Syntax :
<h1 id="toc">Table Of Content</h1>
    <li><a href="#html">Bike1</a></li>
    <li><a href="#css">Bike2</a></li>
    <li><a href="#js">Bike3</a></li>
<h2 id="html">Bike1</h2>
<a href="#toc"><img src="Images/bike1.jpg" width="100" height="100"></a>
<p>Here's our first bike</p>

<h2 id="css">Bike2</h2>
<a href="#toc"><img src="Images/bike2.jpg" width="100" height="100"></a>
<p>Here's our Bike2</p>

<h2 id="js">Bike3</h2>
<a href="#toc"><img src="Images/bike3.jpg" width="100" height="100"></a>
<p>Here's our Bike3</p>**
  • The hyperlinks that enable navigation from one page to another are referred as inter-document links.

  • The navigation can be defined as any file or URL.

  • The target file contents can open in your browser if it supports relative plugins.

  • The file is downloaded if plugins are not available.

**Syntax : 
<h1>Quick Navigation</h1>
<li><a href="Files/OOPs C++.pdf">OOPs</a></li>
<li><a href="Index.html">Demo Page</a></li>
<li><a href="Images/car2.jpg">MyFavCar</a></li>**

Link Target

  • The target attribute specifies where to open a new document.

  • Hyperlinks in HTML always open it’s target in the same browser window by removing the current page.

  • Link target location in a new tab

<a href="<>" target="_blank">Visit W3Schools</a>
<a target="_blank|_self|_parent|_top|framename"></a>
  • Link the target location in a new window.
<a href="'tutorial.html', 'tutorial', width = 400, height=300)">
        Visit W3Schools

HTML Elements Reference :

<!DOCTYPE html> should always be in the first line of the html code so that the browser can understand which version of HTML to expect.

<html> element will contain all the HTML code.